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15.006 ~ 0284 ~ Caloptilia rufipennella ~ Small Red Slender
UK Status

Resident. A species though common has rather disconnected populations. Firstly, eastern England from Essex to Lincolnshire, then Northumberland to Moray and finally north Wales.

Montgomeryshire Status

Recorded from a few scattered sites across the county.

Wingspan :   M & F, 11-12mm.

Confusion species

C. elongella and C. betulicola.
Flight time & Voltinity (Univoltine)


Wherever the foodplant is found.



Lifestage data

Leaf miner. Eggs laid on underside of leaf. Larva first mines a triangular shape between the veins, then forms cones of successive sizes to feed within. Pupates in a yellow cocoon spun under the leaf.
Montgomeryshire photos

Photo by DB, 20th Oct 2013, Middletown
Leaf mine on sycamore